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Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure In Minnesota

If you are afraid that you are going to lose your home, stop: We may be able to help you. At the law firm of Burns & Hansen, P.A., our attorneys help clients in the Twin Cities and throughout Minnesota explore foreclosure alternatives. One of the more popular alternatives we provide for our clients is called a deed in lieu of foreclosure.

A deed in lieu of foreclosure offers a number of advantages to homeowners in distress. If you retain our firm, we will review all of your options with you and help you choose the right option for you.

Helping You Understand Your Options And Choose From Them Wisely

A deed in lieu of foreclosure means that we will negotiate on your behalf with the lender so the lender will simply receive the deed to your house from you. This process benefits you and the lender.

The lender benefits because it will not have to go through the costs of foreclosure, not to mention the problems associated with maintaining a marketable property after the foreclosure goes through. You benefit because there is no foreclosure on your credit record. This may make it more likely for you to buy another home in the not too far future.

You can depend on our years of experience in working with lenders regarding these matters. As a result, our attorneys understand how many of these lenders operate on a practical basis. These factors can often lead to favorable negotiations on behalf of our clients for a deed in lieu of foreclosure.

Speak With Experience

Would you like to talk with an experienced lawyer regarding a deed in lieu of foreclosure? Contact Burns & Hansen, P.A., by calling us at 952-219-7897. We look forward to scheduling a free initial discussion for you today.