Mortgage Issues and Foreclosure Defense
The law firm of Burns & Hansen, P.A., represents owners or lenders in foreclosure, workouts and mortgage lending. We can initiate or defend actions to foreclose, or advise and represent clients in negotiating a less drastic solution such as mortgage refinancing.
Based in Minneapolis, we represent homeowners, commercial property owners and banks in Minneapolis, the greater Twin Cities and statewide Minnesota. Our attorneys have substantial experience in real estate law and banking law and have handled every mortgage and foreclosure scenario. Arrange a free initial discussion to discuss your options.
What Is The Right Solution To Your Troubled Mortgage?
The first question is whether the property owner wants to stay or get out? If you wish to keep your home or mortgaged commercial building, we can help you analyze (a) whether it’s feasible and (b) how to make it happen. Even if you cannot realistically afford to keep the house, there are true defenses to foreclosure, and anything is better than simply hanging on until the sheriff’s sale.
On behalf of owners, we can explore:
- Foreclosure defense: Were you properly notified? Given a reasonable time to make good? Is the paperwork in order and complete? Were you misled about a workout?
- A loan workout or loan modification program (mortgage refinancing)
- Refinancing with a new lender
- Chapter 13 bankruptcy*, which lets you keep the home and pay mortgage arrears over time
- A short sale or deed in lieu of foreclosure, enabling you to escape from a mortgage you can’t sustain
* Visit our Bankruptcy website for more about this option.
Representing Banks In Foreclosure And Alternatives
We serve as counsel to many community banks and credit unions. If foreclosure is necessary or the most prudent move to cut your losses, we can assist in taking the proper steps to recover the property. Our attorneys can help assemble loan documentation, advice on regulatory requirements and represent lenders in foreclosure litigation or bankruptcy proceedings.
Our lawyers can advise and assist on the legal aspects of workouts, new mortgages, short sales, deed in lieu of foreclosure or other surrenders of title to the property.
Call Burns & Hansen, P.A., today at 952-219-7897 to discuss your rights and remedies in a free initial discussion.