Business Dissolution and Litigation
Whether you have amicably agreed to wind down a business venture or reached a crossroads with the other owners, the law firm of Burns & Hansen, P.A., can protect your legal and financial interests when partners or interested parties have left the business.
Our business law attorneys are adept at untangling the strings to determine a fair apportionment of the assets and liabilities of the company. In negotiation or litigation, we strive to wrap up the loose ends to minimize any future liability or lawsuits.
Serving Minneapolis, the greater Twin Cities and clients statewide, we have represented owners, partners and investors in dissolving LLCs, S-corporations, LLPs, family limited partnerships and professional associations. Call 952-219-7897 to arrange an appointment.
Helping You Get Your Fair Share In A “Business Divorce”
Perhaps no one has been groomed to take over the business. Perhaps the venture has run its course. Or maybe a dispute over direction and control of the company has brought you to a decision to dissolve the corporation or partnership. Whatever the reason for dissolution, the core issues are the same.
We work closely with your personal accountant, business valuation experts and other professionals to determine the value of assets, debts of the business, tax obligations and other issues. If any parties will continue in the same line of business, we can also address division of clients and customers, intellectual property interests, disposition of owned or leased property and associated issues.
We work to ensure that clients are compensated accordingly for any investment of personal capital in the business. Business dissolution, like a divorce, often requires creative trade-offs to reach an equitable settlement. Likewise, it may be necessary to go to court to hash out disputes that defy a negotiated solution.
Our trial lawyers are prepared to go to trial if necessary to protect your interests. We are firmly grounded in corporate and commercial law, and have extensive experience in civil litigation in state and federal courts of Minnesota and beyond.
Arrange a free initial discussion at our Minneapolis office. Call 952-219-7897.