When you realize your marriage is over, you’ve already completed the most difficult part of the divorce process. What comes after is not easy, but with a plan in place, you can manage the most delicate divorce issues.
To help you, we’ve compiled a few questions to ask yourself when you’re developing your plan:
What do your finances look like?
Money is definitely an object in the divorce. You must track and record salary, investments, retirement accounts and every other income stream. To do this, your best option is to consult your most recent tax returns. However, if you’re concerned about hidden assets, you may have to do more digging.
What property do you have?
In Minnesota, property is divided on an “equitable” basis. You can and should take every step to ensure that you get your fair share. Lists of real property bought during your marriage and any other material assets such as jewelry, cars or other items will make it easier for your attorney to
What are your child’s medical needs?
More so than schooling is the physical and mental health of your children. These needs demand and deserve full attention. Those medical needs, especially if there is an ongoing disability, require specialized care and priorities. During the divorce process, you’ll need to prioritize their care. After the divorce is complete, you’ll have to prioritize keeping their health care coverage.
What does day-to-day childcare look like?
Moreover, when a household splits, childcare becomes a chore. If you relied, like many do, on family members to care for the kids, that option might no longer be available. If you rely on daycare, those costs will become more burdensome.
Find your divorce priorities
By answering these questions, you may discover your basic priorities. And when you understand what matters most to you, you will be much more able to map out a plan for your future with your attorney.